We encourages homebuyers entering into a contract for the building of their new dream house – whether it is custom or tract built – to retain the services of a professional home inspector during the construction of their new home. Homebuyers building their new dream house have many important decisions and considerations. They need to know that someone is looking out for them with independent, unbiased professional eyes.

No home, regardless of how well it is constructed, is totally free of defects. The construction of a house involves thousands of details, performed at the hands of scores of individuals. No general contractor can possibly oversee every one of these elements, and the very nature of human fallibility dictates that some mistakes and oversights will occur, even when the most talented and best-intentioned tradespeople are involved. It is also an unfortunate aspect of modern times that some builders/developers do not stand behind their workmanship and may not return to fix or replace defective components installed after the sale is complete.